Mionetto Il
750 ml
This gentle-sparkling wine is fresh and crisp with a floral bouquet and fruit finish. Superb on its own or with spicy dishes!
Mionetto Il Spriz
Citrus Sparkling Wine
750 ml
Crafted with premium frizzante semi-sparkling wine and natural aromas and flavors of fresh citrus and select herbs.
Mionetto Il Ugo
Elderflower Sparkling Wine
750 ml
An aperitif made from a harmonious combination of elderflower aromas and the crisp, fruity notes of our semi-sparkling wine.
Gran Rosé
750 ml
Well-balanced acidity with notes of red raspberry and strawberry and a fine persistent perlage. 11.5%
Il Prosecco
750 ml
87 PTS Wilfred Wong. Pleasing notes of frizzante and graduates into a lovely, pretty and aromatic bubbly with subtle, ripe fruit flavors.
Valdobbiadene Prosecco
750 ml
The single vineyard grapes for this Prosecco D.o.c.g are specially selected from the finest area of Valdobbiad- ene. This wine has a straw color and aromas of exotic fruits and green apples.
Prosecco Brut
1.5 L
Mionetto Prosecco Brut D.o.c has an intense fruity bouquet with a hint of golden apples; very dry, fresh, light in body and well-balanced.
750 ml
Refreshing and full of fresh, apple, apricot, and nectar flavors. Wonderful with light fruit-laden desserts, or by itself as an aperitif.