Salted Caramel Vodka
750 ml
Effen Salted Caramel flavored Vodka.
Limited Edition 50 Cent Football Vodka
750 ml
EFFEN Vodka is based on a century-old Dutch recipe, which includes premium wheat from Northern Holland. Of all base materials used to make vodka (grapes, potato, corn, soy grain, rye).
Signed by 50 Cent Black Cherry Vodka
750 ml
Blended here with black cherries to achieve a balanced finish. Avoids glycerin or additional sugars by using vanilla. It's smooth enough to drink straight, though it also complements any mixer.
Signed by 50 Cent Dutch Vodka
750 ml
A light, crisp vodka experience. This, our very first variety, was designed by bartenders for bartenders to be a perfect base for mixing cocktails. Still the original. Still smooth and refreshing.
Dutch Vodka
50 ml
The name means "smooth, even, and balanced" in Dutch. A zesty and mildly spicy aroma on the drier side; palate entry is moderately sweet, almost smoky; a flash of black licorice tempts the taste buds.
Raspberry Vodka
1 L
Bursting with the flavor of fresh raspberries and subtle hints of vanilla, EFFEN® Raspberry has a light, crisp taste you won’t find anywhere else. The taste is one that is equally refreshing whether enjoyed straight up or in a mixed cocktail. It pairs well with melons such as cantaloupe or watermelon, and also mixes well with soda water, tonic or lemon-lime soda to create a juicy, refreshing taste. 37.5% ABV.
Green Apple Vodka
1 L
EFFEN® Green Apple Vodka combines the clean, fresh flavors of green apple with an accent of tartness that adds a unique and smooth twist to your favorite cocktails, like the classic mule or martini. 37.5% ABV.
Black Cherry Vodka
50 ml
90 PTS ANTHONY DIAS BLUE. Spicy black Cherry nose; bright smooth and dry with nice cherry flavors and a long balanced finish.
Vodka Martini Machine
1.75 L
90-95 PTS, TOP SPIRITS FOR 2003, WINE ENTHUSIAST. A zesty and mildly spicy aroma on the drier side; palate entry is moderately sweet, almost smoky; a flash of black licorice tempts the taste buds.
Black Cherry Vodka Gift Set with Cocktail Shaker
750 ml
90 PTS ANTHONY DIAS BLUE. Spicy black Cherry nose; bright smoothand dry with nice cherry flavors and a long balanced finish.
Dutch Vodka Gift Set with Cocktail Shaker
750 ml
90-95 PTS, TOP SPIRITS FOR 2003, WINE ENTHUSIAST. A zesty and mildly spicy aroma on the drier side; palate entry is moderately sweet, almost smoky; a flash of black licorice tempts the taste buds.