Triple Sec Liqueur
1 L
DeKuyper Triple Sec is a delicious orange flavored liqueur. It is an essential ingredient to the margarita cocktail, Long Island Iced Tea and the cosmopolitan, among many others.
Luscious Raspberry Rush
750 ml
Raspberry is a warm-blooded liqueur with the taste sensation of fresh ripe raspberries. This red liqueur adds color and zip to brightly hued cocktails and long drinks.
Dekuyper Pucker
750 ml
It's a burst of delicious grape flavor followed by mouth puckering sour. Tingle your taste buds.
Dekuyper Pucker
750 ml
A sweet and sour sensation that will make you pucker up! A perfect addition to party drinks.
Crème de Cassis
1 L
Add a little cassis to Champagne for a refreshing spritzer.
Tropical Papaya Schnapps
50 ml
Use it in fruit drinks or turn your martini tropical; smells like freshly sliced pineapple. Use your imagination!
Dekuyper Pucker
750 ml
Dekuyper Strawberry Pucker is a sweet and sour sensation. Just add a splash of strawberry passion to your vodka, rum, or tequila cocktail for a new taste sensation.
750 ml
Give your cocktail a Brazilian twist. Introducing JDK and Sons O3 orange liqueur with 100% Brazilian Pera oranges.
Sour Apple Sass Vodka
750 ml
Pucker Sour Apple vodka by Dekuyper is a refreshing smooth vodka with a sassy flavor of tart Granny Smith apples.
Citrus Squeeze Vodka
750 ml
Pucker Citrus Squeeze vodka by Dekuyper is loaded with fresh juicy orange and tangerine flavors. Perfect mixed with club soda and orange juice for a refreshing cocktail.
Cherry Tease Vodka
750 ml
Pucker Cherry Tease vodka by Dekuyper is a tangy deep cherry flavored vodka that has a touch of berries. Perfect straight up over ice or ad club soda for a refreshing cocktail.
Dekuyper Brandy
750 ml
DeKuyper Kirschwasser is a cherry flavored brandy from the Black Forrest. The cherries are fermented complete. Unlike cherry liqueurs and so-called cherry brandies, kirschwasser is not sweet.
750 ml
Great over the rocks, or add to coffee for a classic finish to an Italian meal. Substitute DeKuyper Amaretto for part of the liquid in a pound cake and add a lemon glaze - mmm!
750 ml
A wonderful buttery taste of butterscotch that comes alive with flavor. Perfect!
Crème de Cacao White
750 ml
Perfect in chocolate Martinis or as an addition to desserts, the rich taste of cocoa is present in every drop.
Crème de Cassis
750 ml
Add a little cassis to Champagne for a refreshing spritzer. 30 Proof.
750 ml
Great zesty cinnamon flavors are perfect chilled with your favorite beer.
Cactus Juice
750 ml
If you like the taste of margarita's try it in a shooter. Dekuyper cactus has all of the flavor and fun of margarita's.
Hot Damn Schnapps
750 ml
Tastes just like the "red hots" cinnamon candy! Try it straight or mixed.
Curacao Orange
750 ml
A light, delicate orange-flavored liqueur. Clean & smooth.
Sloe Gin
750 ml
Flavor is derived from the sloe berry fruit.
1 L
A dry, light-bodied peppermint schnapps. Perfect for sipping!
1 L
America's #1 selling schnapps! Rich, true peach flavors. Create a peach-arita margarita, peach mai tai, or add to homemade peach pie to kick the intensity up a notch!
Crème de Menthe White
1 L
Crisp menthe flavors for cooking.
Curacao Blue
750 ml
Perfect for margaritas or tropical drinks. Don't forget the little umbrellas and a garnish of pineapple, orange slice, and a maraschino cherry.
100 Proof Peppermint
1 L
100 proof for extra kick!
Triple Sec
1.75 L
The terrific orange flavor will make margaritas taste great! Try it! 48 proof.
750 ml
One of the best is ways to use Hazelnut Liqueur is to saute large prawns until almost done. Add heavy cream and reduce until thick. Remove from heat & stir in hazelnut liqueur. Divine!
100 Proof Hot Damn
750 ml
Hot spicy schnapps, perfect with an ice cold beer.
750 ml
Rich melon flavor that is perfect for mixing with either tequila, rum , or vodka.
1.75 L
America's #1 selling schnapps! Rich peach flavors that are great in mixed drinks or as a shooter with your favorite beer. Party sized!
Sloe Gin
1 L
Flavor is derived from the sloe berry fruit, perfect in fizzes.
Dekuyper Pucker
Cheri Beri
750 ml
A burst of sweet flavor followed by a mouth puckering sour. Get ready to Pucker-Up!
Dekuyper Brandy
750 ml
Made in Dekuyper tradition, this blackberry brandy is smooth, full-bodied & naturally delicious.
Dekuyper Brandy
750 ml
Apricot Sour: shake with ice, 1 1/2 oz. Apricot Brandy & 1/4 lemon juice. Strain & add soda. Enjoy!
Dekuyper Brandy
750 ml
DeKuyper coffee-flavored brandy is perfect for any after-dinner drink. Made with only the freshest ingredients, try it on the rocks or with cream.
1.75 L
Our most popular selling peppermint schnapps.
Crème de Cacao White
1 L
Perfect for mixed cocktails and flavoring for baking.
Curacao Blue
1 L
Perfect for margaritas or tropical drinks. Don't forget the litTle umbrellas and a garnish of pineapple, orange slice, and a maraschino cherry.
Dekuyper Brandy
750 ml
Our peach-flavored brandy is produced using the freshest ingredients. The result is a peach brandy like no other! Try on the rocks or as a Peach Cooler with lemon juice and sugar over ice.
1 L
Banana flavored schnapps for cooking ar adding to your favorite cocktail.
Dekuyper Pucker
Sour Apple
1 L
Remember your favorite sweet and sour candy from your youth that made you pucker? Now you can get that same flavor in a bottle. Try it for some fun drinks!
Crème de Menthe Green
750 ml
DeKuyper Creme de Menthe is produced in the old world DeKuyper tradition using only the freshest ingredients. Sip it on the rocks or mix with Creme de Cacao white and heavy cream for a Grasshopper.
Dekuyper Brandy
750 ml
Cherry flavored brandy.
750 ml
Intense blueberry flavors are infused in to schnapps.
1 L
Dekuyper Hazelnut has rich flavors that are perfect straight, or they can be used as a flavor additive when baking.
1 L
Refreshing spearmint flavor!
Wild Strawberry
750 ml
Full of rich strawberry flavors. Greta over ice cream or as a flavor additive in baked products.
Dekuyper Pucker
750 ml
A burst of sweet raspberry flavors followed by a mouth puckering sour. Great chilled as a shot or in your favorite drink recipies. Get ready to pucker up!
Tropical Pineapple
750 ml
Tropical pineapple enhances juice and spirit based drinks; a highly versatile spirit! Use it in fruit drinks or turn your martini tropical; smells like freshly sliced pineapple. Use your imagination!
Dekuyper Pucker
Sour Apple
1.75 L
Remember your favorite sweet and sour candy from your youth thatmade you pucker? Now you can get that same flavor in a bottle. Try it for some fun drinks!
Dekuyper Pucker
Island Punch
750 ml
The flavor of the Hawaiian Tropics captured in a bottle! Try a Blue Hooter with equal parts of Island Blue and Pucker Watermelon or try an Absolut Blue Martini!
Dekuyper Brandy
1 L
Made in the DeKuper tradicion, this ginger brandy is perfect for your special recipe needs.
Crème de Cacao Dark
750 ml
DeKuyper Creme de Cacao Dark is made with the essence of dark cacao. Using the finest ingredients, our Creme de Cacao is produced in the old world tradition. Mix with brandy and heavy cream. Heavenly.
Crème de Menthe White
750 ml
Our creme de menthe is produced in the old world DeKuyper tradition. The result is a smooth, naturally delicious product. Try on the rocks or mix with brandy to make a Stinger.
Dekuyper Pucker
Berry Fusion
750 ml
Dekuyper berry fusion is a sweet and sour sensation. A burst of sweet flavor followed by a mouth puckering sour. Just add a splash of berry to your favorite vodka martini or margarita!
Dekuyper Brandy
1 L
DeKuyper coffee-flavored brandy is perfect for any after-dinner drink. Made with only the freshest ingredients, try it on the rocks or with cream.
Tropical Mango
750 ml
Tropical mango enhances juice and spirit based drinks; a highly versatile spirit!
Tropical Papaya
750 ml
Use it in fruit drinks or turn your martini tropical; smells like freshly sliced pineapple. Use your imagination!
750 ml
85-89 PTS WINE ENTHUSIAST. The somewhat lackluster aroma is very fruity, if a touch candied, but is moderately true to pomegranate. The palate entry is delightfully tart, even sour.
Dekuyper Pucker
1 L
A burst of sweet raspberry flavors followed by a mouth puckering sour. Great chilled as a shot or in your favorite drink recipies. Get ready to pucker up!
Dekuyper Burst
Washington Apple
750 ml
Dekuyper Washington Apple Burst perfect as your next martini!
Dekuyper Burst
750 ml
Dekuyper Kamikazi Burst are pre-mixed shots containing the vodka, triple sec and lime juice. "Open, pour and Party"!
Dekuyper Burst
Red Headed
750 ml
Dekuyper Red Headed Burst are pre-mixed shots containing cranberry juice, peach schnapps and an herbal liqueur!
Red Apple
750 ml
Juicy red apple flavor. Mix with your favorite vodka.
Dekuyper Burst
Red Headed Schnapps
50 ml
Dekuyper Red Headed Burst are pre-mixed shots containing cranberry juice, peach schnapps and an herbal liqueur!
Dekuyper Burst
Kamikaze Schnapps
50 ml
Dekuyper Kamikazi Burst are pre-mixed shots containing the vodka, triple sec and lime juice. "Open, pour and party"!
Dekuyper Burst
Washington Apple Schnapps
50 ml
Dekuyper Washington Apple Curst perfect as your next martini!
Alabama Slammer
750 ml
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing sloe gin, peach and amaretto liqueur, orange juice and sweet & sour mix.
Dekuyper Shots
Sex on the Beach Schnapps
50 ml
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing Vodka, Peach Schnapps, cranberry, orange and pineapple juice.
Dekuyper Shots
Lemon Drop Schnapps
50 ml
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing Vodka with lemon juice.
Dekuyper Brandy
1 L
Made in Dekuyper tradition, this blackberry brandy is smooth, full-bodied & naturally delicious.
Dekuyper Pucker
Peach Schnapps
50 ml
Intense peach flavors are present in this delicious scnapps. Perfect in drink recepies or as a shooter with a beer.
Tropical Pineapple Schnapps
50 ml
Tropical pineapple enhances juice and spirit based drinks; a highly versatile spirit! Use it in fruit drinks or turn your martini tropical; smells like freshly sliced pineapple. Use your imagination!
Tropical Mango Schnapps
50 ml
Tropical mango enhances juice and spirit based drinks; a highly versatile spirit!
Dekuyper Pucker
Watermelon Schnapps
50 ml
DeKuyper Watermelon Schnapps
Dekuyper Shots
Sex on the Beach
1 L
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing Vodka, Peach Schnapps, cranberry, orange and pineapple juice.
Butterscotch Schnapps
50 ml
A wonderful buttery taste of butterscotch that comes alive with flavor. Perfect!
Dekuyper Brandy
375 ml
Apricot Sour: shake with ice, 1 1/2 oz. Apricot Brandy & 1/4 lemon juice. Strain & add soda. Enjoy!
Dekuyper Crave
Chocolate Chili
750 ml
Dekuyper Crave Chocolate Chili starts with a subtle hint of caramel and vanilla notes, followed by the tingly warmth of chili peppers.
Dekuyper Crave
Chocolate Mint
750 ml
Dekuyper Crave Chocpolate Mint starts with sweet chocolate and vanilla then introduces peppermint into the palate then ends with a hint of chocolate mint in the finish.
Hot Damn
375 ml
Hot cinnamon starts any night off with a bang.
375 ml
Cool and refreshing and made with natural peppermint extract.
Dekuyper Brandy
1 L
Our peach-flavored brandy is produced using the freshest ingredients. The result is a peach brandy like no other! Try on the rocks or as a Peach Cooler with lemon juice and sugar over ice.
Dekuyper Burst
Blustery Peppermint Schnapps
50 ml
Clear in color, Dekuyper Peppermint Schnapps is the crisp, clean and refreshing taste of cool peppermint. Perfect for the winter holidays, skiing, or a football game, to warms things up!
Alabama Slammer Schnapps
50 ml
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing sloe gin, peach and amaretto liqueur, orange juice and sweet & sour mix.
Dekuyper Crave
Chocolate Cherry
750 ml
Dekuyper Crave Chocolate Cherry starts with sweet cherry taste that takes center stage and also compliments the cocoa finish with notes of fruit vanilla and bittersweet chocolate.
Dekuyper Burst
Ragin' Root Beer
750 ml
Taste just like your favorite rootbeer but with a kick!
Dekuyper Shots
Lemon Drops
750 ml
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing Vodka with lemon juice.
Dekuyper Shots
Sex on the Beach
750 ml
40 Proof Burst Bar Shot flavor that taste like the real thing. No mixing required. Pre-mixed shots containing Vodka, Peach Schnapps, cranberry, orange and pineapple juice.
Buttershots Schnapps
1 L
A wonderful buttery taste of butterscotch that comes alive with flavor. Perfect!
1 L
Perfectly captures the taste of pomegranates. Use to create Pomegranate Martinis and many more exotic cocktails!
750 ml
Sweet, mild and delicate. Great after-dinner digestif - serve with rich butter cookies. Wonderful mixed (half-and-half) with any Irish Cream liqueur over ice. Try a splash in sauteed shrimp!
Dekuyper Burst
Blustery Peppermint
750 ml
A dry, light-bodied peppermint schnapps. For a summertime treat, pour over ice and add sparkling water. In the cooler months, add to hot chocolate for an adult twist on an old favorite. 60 proof.