Basil Hayden's
750 ml
Marked by a rich cascade of aromas and flavors, Basil Hayden Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is carefully matured for exceptional quality and distilled in the heart of bourbon country in Clermont, Kentucky. This unique, single small batch bourbon whiskey is blessed with rich hints of peppermint, notes of pepper, slight citrus overtones and a spicy, warming finish. Sip neat, on the rocks, in a classic Manhattan or Old Fashioned. Try it in a Mint Julep or Bourbon Mary while savoring the aroma with a spicy, peppery, honey-toned light body and gentle bite. Carefully matured for exceptional quality, Basil Hayden is artfully aged and bottled at 80 proof. Basil Hayden utilizes twice as much rye as the other bourbons in the collection for a gentle yet spicy flavor.