Zing Zang
Zing Vodka
750 ml
Zing Vodka is a blend of corn and wheat, it is quadruple distilled and then filtered to ensure purity. Zing is a super premium vodka with unparalled smoothness.
Zing Red Velvet Vodka
Flavored Vodka
750 ml
Zing Red Velvet is a delicious liquid version of this classic confection. Cherry and vanilla are present on the nose and then moves to light cocoa notes on the palate.
Zing Zang
Bloody Mary Mix
64 oz
Award winning peppery blend, thick and turbo charged. Bold, spicy and rich! Nothing more needs to be added for a perfect, spicy Bloody Mary. Just add your favorite vodka and enjoy!
Zing Zang
Bloody Mary Mix
32 oz
This first place award-winning Bloody Mary Mix is a peppery blend, thick and turbo charged. Low in sodium and calories, tastes great with or without your favorite vodka.