JP Wiser's
JP Wiser's
Canadian Rye Whisky
750 ml
Rich toffee, oats and toasted grains create a full flavored whiskey ending with a smooth and balanced finish. 80 Proof
Wisers Canadian Whisky 1.75ltr
Blended Whiskey
1.75 L
Wisers is a Canadian blend. It is also the fastest growing Canadian whisky brand that has a lot to do with it's bolder than normal flavor.
JP Wiser's
Spiced Vanilla Whiskey
750 ml
The ultimate flavored whisky experience! Unique blend of spices and vanilla flavor at a higher proof. Perfect over ice.
JP Wiser's
Canadian Rye Whisky
750 ml
A uniquely smooth, premium rye whisky made the same as the original recipe over 150 years ago using on the highest quality rye to ensure a very smooth whisky!