Blended Canadian Whisky
1.75 L
Distinctive blend of the finest rye, corn, wheat & barley. Enjoy the smoothness.
Blended Canadian Whisky
750 ml
Distinctive blend of the finest rye, corn, wheat & barley. Enj the smoothness.
Bacchus Wine Pairing Chocolate 49%Cocoa
Chocolate Candy
3 oz
Inspired by Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine and Merriment, these individually wrapped dark chocolate bites are designed to pair with different varietals of red wine. Try with Port or desert wines.
Bacchus Wine Pairing Chcolate
Chocolate Candy
3 oz
Made from the finest, all-natural ingredients, Bracchus dark chocolat bites are designed to pair with different varietals of red wine. We suggest trying these with Merlot and other medium body wines.
Bacchus Wine Pairing Chocolate 72%
Chocolate Candy
3 oz
Bracchus, the Roman God of wine and merriment was the inspiration for these 72% dark chocolate wafers. Paired with a Zinfanel, you'll experience the complex and complimentary flavors of both!
Bacchus Wine Pairing Chocolate 55%
Chocolate Candy
3 oz
The suggested pairing forthese 55% cocoa dark chocolate bites is a Cabernet or another full bodied wine. Made from the finest, all natural ingredients, they are sure to be a hit!