William Fevre Estate Chablis
750 ml
Very elegant bouquet, developing citrus, white-fleshed fruit and floral notes. Fresh and supple, the wine is marked by mineral notes that are typical of the appellation.
Very elegant bouquet, developing citrus, white-fleshed fruit and floral notes. Fresh and supple, the wine is marked by mineral notes that are typical of the appellation.
2014 VINTAGE; 93PTS WINE SPECATATOR "This white reveals richness and breadth, with a hint of spice framing the apple, melon, yellow plum and mineral flavors. The terrific finish keeps pumping out the fruit and stone notes."
91 PTS WILFRED WONG. Well-defined and in control, the green apple-like '04 William Fevre Chablis Montmains exhibits balance that only a premium or grand cru could offer; excellent with oysters.
A wonderful example of terroir in a Chardonnay, crisp and elegant, with a touch of spice and tropical fruit.
The William Fevre Champs Royaux Chablis is a rich, rounded, ripe flavored white wine; shows the class of Chardonnay varietal, with its green apple-like flavors.