Wild Vines
Wild Vines Peach Chardonnay
White Zinfandel Rose/Blush
750 ml
Fresh ripe peaches after a rainstorm! A tropical styled chardonnay perfect for summer sipping.
Wild Vines Blackberry Merlot
White Zinfandel Rose/Blush
750 ml
Rich, supple berries from the vine add to the depth of the merlot grape. A winner at barbeques!
Wild Vines Strawberry White Zinfandel
Red Blend
750 ml
On the blushier side of life, this intermix of strawberries and zinfandel creates a pleasing wine beverage that is delightful and easy to drink; serve well chilled and enjoy.
Wild Vines Black Cherry Cabernet
White Zinfandel Rose/Blush
750 ml
Red and tasty, this black cherry combination with cabernet sauvignon delivers loads of yummy, ripe fruit in an easy yet authoratative manner.
Wild Vines Passion Berry
White Zinfandel Rose/Blush
750 ml
Simply delicious, the easy-drinking Wild Vines Passion Berry is sweet and fruity; give this wine a good chill and serve as a sipper with appetizers or a nice accompaniment with barbecue.
Frutezia Orchard Blend
White Zinfandel Rose/Blush
750 ml
A white wine produced with naturally flavored crisp delicious apples; great to serve with on a picnic.
Frutezia Sunshine Blend
White Zinfandel Rose/Blush
750 ml
A white wine produced with natural flavors of Peach and juicy oranges; slightly sweet with a refreshing citrus finish. Great for the summer picnics
Wild Vines Raspberry Zinfandel
Red Blend Rose/Blush
750 ml
Having fun with Zinfandel, this blend with raspberry is quite delicious and mischievous; sweet and easy drinking; good with barbequed sauced meats.