750 ml
Verdi Spumante is a natural, sparkling beverage imported from Italy; soft, fuity with a light alcohol content, deliciously sparkling and zesty.
Verdi Sparkletini
750 ml
Lush and persistent flavors of sweet raspberries. A light bubbly that finishes with a hint of sweetness. Serve chilled to enjoy it?s balanced, clean taste.
1.5 L
Verdi Spumante is a natural, sparkling beverage imported from Italy; soft, fuity with a light alchohol contect,
Verdi Sparkletini
Green Apple
750 ml
Pure apple aromas and flavors. Medium sweet in the finish; give it a good chill and enjoy.
Verdi Strawberry Sparkletini
Natural Champagne/Sparkling
750 ml
With just the right amount of fruit flavor, Strawberry Sparkletini is a very versatile Spumante that is an excellent addition to many other cocktail ingredients, including vodka (either plain or flavored). It also makes for a great punch in a variety of ingredients.
Peach Sparkletini
750 ml
The Verdi Peach is fresh, lively, and medium sweet; pleasant on the palate, with a light sparkle and pure peach flavor.