Louis M. Martini
Louis M Martini Winery
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
California. Ripe flavors of black plum and blackcurrant with hints of oak and a touch of baking spice. 13.9% ABV
Louis M Martini Cabernet '00
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
Pleasing to the palate, the soft-tinged Louis M Martini Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits red cherry aromas that run all the way to the finish; this is a fine choice for mildly seasoned beef dishes.
Louis M Martini Merlot '99
750 ml
Louis M Martini Barbera '98
750 ml
The perfect pizza wine! The demonstrative '98 Louis Martini Barbera offers fresh and spicy aromas of bright red fruits; the wine's lively palate feel make it great for anything moderately spicy.
Louis M Martini Chardonnay '07
750 ml
A classic Napa Valley Chardonnay; Louis Martini Chardonnay exhibits ripe green apple and pear aromas with a hint of citrus; fresh and lively on palate, well balanced with a touch vanilla on the finish
Louis M Martini Merlot Reserve '97
750 ml
88 PTS WINE ENTHUSIAST! Rich, ripe berries. Louis Martini is once again rising to the top. This reserve Merlot is everything you want in a high quality premium effort. Loaded with fruit & elegance.
Louis M Martini Zinfandel '96
750 ml
Louis M Martini Monte Rosso Cabernet '98
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
The 1998 Monte Rosso starts with very ripe notes of violets and sweet currants, trailing off into smoky, toasty oak, eucalyptus and firm, drying tannin. 1300 cases produced.
Louis M Martini Winery
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
The Louis Martini Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon is firm and rich on the palate; offers black fruit flavors, with an accent of sweet oak; soft tannins in the finish.
Louis M Martini Winery
Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
The Martini Alex Cabernet is easy to like now for its rich black currant, cherry & chocolate flavors; lovely balance of acidity & oak; one of their best to date.
Louis M Martini Monte Rosso Cabernet '02
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
GOLD MEDAL, 2007 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE WINE COMP. Impressive from start to finish, the focused '02 Louis Martini Monte Rosso Cabernet excels with flavors of pert red fruits and lively minerality.
Louis M Martini Monte Rosso Cabernet '03
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
93 PTS ROBERT PARKER JR. The '03 Loius Martini Monte Rosso Cabernet reveals a dense ruby color; aromas of licorice, black currants, cherries and tobacco; rich, long and impressively structured.
Louis M Martini Monte Rosso Cabernet '04
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
This is a full-bodied wine revealing flavors of melted chocolate, black cherry, and earthy aromatics with accents of anise and brown spice.
Louis M Martini Winery
Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
92 POINTS Robert Parker (2012 vintage). The Louis Martini Sonoma County Cabernet is at once elegant and rich; shows an abundance of red fruit flavors, with a bare hint of sweet oak.