Very Small Batch Bourbon
750 ml
Jeffersons Rsv is allowed to age slowly and reach maturity naturally. The whisky has a velvety textured body and dry, robust palate, with flavors of roasted corn, caramel toffee and oak.
Ocean Aged at Sea Bourbon
750 ml
Aged at sea, this bourbon showcases caramel flavors and a briny, savory taste reminiscent of sea air. 45% ABV
Presidential Select 17 Year Bourbon
750 ml
96 PTS MALT ADVOCATE. A wheated bourbon from the old Stitzel Weller distillery. A gentle, richly textured whisky, loaded with fruit and spice. Spicy polished oak finish.
Rye Whiskey 10 Year
750 ml
92 PTS JULY 2012 WINE ENTHUSIAST. The flavors are spicy yet not over powering. The finish is long and rich.
Presidential Select 21 Year Bourbon
750 ml
A limited offering, the Presidential Select is a premium blend that has been aged for 21 years. Bottled from the last year in operation of Louisville's renowned Stitzel-Weller Distillery.
Chef's Collaboration Bourbon
750 ml
This collaboration resulted in a blend with a spicy upfront and a fruity finish, enhanced by the addition of rye whiskey into the mix. Perfect with meals, for mixing cocktails or simply drinking neat.
Groth Reserve Cask Finish Bourbon
750 ml
Cask Strength-Sweet Buttery Corn, Charred Oak, Vanilla, Dark Red Wine, Spice, Dark Fruits, And a bit of crisp Apple, and a slight hint of Blackberries.
Presidential Select 25 Year Bourbon
750 ml
We have discovered gems of hyper aged whiskeys to bottle under the Jefferson's Presidential label.
Ocean Cask Strength Bourbon
750 ml
The first time bottled at cask strength. With the whiskey moving constantly, aging is sped up, resulting in a truly unique dram to set you afloat. 112 proof.
Wood Experiment Collection Bourbon
5 Bottles 200 ml
Five different 200 ml blends that each offer a unique flavor profile. From different chars in the barrel to toasting staves, each one of these barrels varies in taste and complexity.
Reserve Old Cask Finish Bourbon
750 ml
Aroma of bananas, vanill and almond, leading to a palate of salt, spiced rum, maple and dried fruits. The long finish leaves the taste of cereal grains lingering on the tongue. 90.2 proof
Pritchard Hill Reserve Bourbon
750 ml
Cabernet Cask Finish. A very small batch, very old Kentucky Straight Bourbon. Extra matured in French Oak casks from the famous Chappelet Winery which previously held Pritchard Hill Cabernet Sauvignon
The Manhattan
750 ml
Made with Jefferson's Reserve Bourbon, then is re-barreled with sweet and dry vermouth with black cherry bitters. 68 Proof
Reserve Bourbon
750 ml
A big, sophisticated bourbon that has a lot of flavor up front, heavy weight mid palate and a deep, wonderful finish. 45.1% ABV