Brut Excellence
750 ml
89 PTS WILFRED WONG. Elegant and stylish, the non-vintage Gossset Champagne is a great choice for aperitifs; refreshing and appealing; enjoy with sevruga caviar atop an appetizer of ahi tuna.
89 PTS WILFRED WONG. Elegant and stylish, the non-vintage Gossset Champagne is a great choice for aperitifs; refreshing and appealing; enjoy with sevruga caviar atop an appetizer of ahi tuna.
Gosset Brut Celebris Champagne expresses notes of honey & ginger snaps with hints of baked apples; well structured and mature flavors, yet still crip and lively on the finish.
90 PTS WINE SPECTATOR. The non-vintage Gosset Brut Grande Reserve Champagne is delicious, dry and flavorful, sporting citrus, spice, apple and pear flavors on a firm, lightweight frame.
spc order
91 PTS WINE SPECTATOR. The '96 Gosset Brut Celebris Champagne is very fruity, with dried cherry, currant and nutty notes matched to a racy structure and smooth texture; long finish.