Dogfish Sah'tea Ancient Ale
750 ml
Brewed with rye, juniper berries, and spices with hot river rocks which caramelize the wort (based on ancient techniques where brewing was done in wooden tuns) Spicing is subtle and well-balanced.
Brewed with rye, juniper berries, and spices with hot river rocks which caramelize the wort (based on ancient techniques where brewing was done in wooden tuns) Spicing is subtle and well-balanced.
BRONZE MEDAL 2010 WORLD BEER CUP One of our most popular Limited Edition beers. It successfully marries the citrusy qualities of a Belgian-style white beer with the complexity of a bold red wine.
Blend two Dogfish Head favorites, add maple syrup and carbonate the mixture naturally. What do you get? 75 Minute IPA. Dry-hopped with whole-leaf Cascades; this complex IPA is second to none.
A bounty of herbs, including lavender, bay leaf, marjoram and chervil, floral and spicy nose. Belgian yeast lends a sweet and malty flavor profile and a smooth finish. 8.3 ABV
Get a better Grip with the belly shaped pint glass. Perfect for ensuring the release of the aromatic hop oils throughout whole quaffing session.