King Alexander III Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
Whiskies matured in ex-bourbon casks, Matusalem oloroso sherry wood, Madeira barrels, Marsala casks, port pipes and Cabernet Sauvignon wine barriques are brought together in perfect harmony.
18 Year Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
Aromas of vanilla, dark chocolate, orange, and cinnamon. Dark chocolate, candied citrus fruits, rich coffee, nutmeg, and cloves on the palate. Citrus fruit, oak, and spice finish.
12 Year Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
GOLD MEDAL 2009 SAN FRANCISCO SPIRITS COMPETITION. Attractive amber color with a malty sweetness and hints of light peat.
Cigar Malt Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
FIVE STARS HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION SPIRITS JOURNAL. Dalmore Cigar Malt has a more rich, full-bodied taste that is a perfect compliment to fine cigars or with a rich chocolate dessert.
Gran Reserva Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
GOLD MEDAL-SF WORLD SPIRITS COMPETITION 2009 Elegant and refined with hints of citrus and autumn fruits on the nose. Marmalade and Christmas cake tantalise the palate with subtle hints of coffee.
12 Year Gift Set Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
GOLD MEDAL 2009 SAN FRANCISCO SPIRITS COMPETITION. Attractive amber color with a malty sweetness and hints of light peat. The finish is remarkably long.
Ast 40 Year Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
This brilliant scotch was put in barrels on the final day of 1966. Over 40 years spent aging in American White Oak Barrels. The final 18 months spent in 30 year old Matusalem Rum Barrels.
Castle Leod Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
Limited Edition Single Malt, aged in American Oak and Spanish Sherry wood, and then the final 18 months the whiskey was aged in First Cru Classe Bordeaux barrels.
1974 Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
There were only 780 bottles produced of this special 32 year old aged Single Malt. Fruity, nutty nose, long finish of rich chocolate, fruits and nuts. Matured in used Sherry Casks.
Oloroso Reserva Single Malt Scotch
750 ml
Initially matured in American White Oak Bpurbon barrels and then transfered in to 30 year old Matusalem Oloroso Sherry casks. Aromas of coffee and dried raisins, the palate has chocolate tones.
King Alexander III Single Malt Scotch
50 ml
Whiskies matured in ex-bourbon casks, Matusalem oloroso sherry wood, Madeira barrels, Marsala casks, port pipes and Cabernet Sauvignon wine barriques are brought together in perfect harmony.