Columbia Winery
Columbia Crest Grand Estates
Pinot Gris
750 ml
Washington. Pear and tropical aromas. Medium-bodied clean flavors.13% ABV
Columbia Winery Gewurztraminer '10
750 ml
This Gewurztraminer shows the varietal well; some spice and flowers in the flavors; a touch savory in the aftertaste.
Columbia Wny Cellarmaster's Riesling '10
750 ml
The Columbia Winery Cellarmaster's Riesling is a bright, sweet white wine; shows excellent balance and style; fine apple, flowery flavors.
Columbia Crest H3
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
A wonderful blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Malbec; this Washington State gem delights the palate with crushed balck cherry and dark fruit flavors; deep and concentrated on the finish.
Columbia Crest Grand Estates
750 ml
89 PTS WILFRED WONG. These guys have it down pat, the fresh and pretty '09 Columbia Crest Grand Estates Riesling shows a little petrol, a lot of ripe apples and flowers; easy, yet crisp in the finish.
Columbia Crest
Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
92 PTS WINE ENTHUSIAST. An outstanding Reserve, this opens with potent aromas of spice and cacao, which leads onto a muscular, sleek and stylish palate that shows terrific depth of black fruits.
Columbia Winery
750 ml
90 PTS WILFRED WONG. A very impressive effort, the generous and fruity '08 Columbia Winery Merlot dazzles on the palate with pretty, black fruit flavors; long and enticing in the finish.
Columbia Crest Two Vines
750 ml
The Columbia Crest Two Vines Merlot-Cabernet shows how well these two Bordelais varietals work together; red fruit flavors; soft tannins.
Columbia Winery Peninsula Red '95
750 ml
90 PTS WILFRED WONG. A wine of international significance, the '95 Colombia Winery Peninsula Red is superb meritage red. Softened with a few years, this wine has now become unequivocally delectable.
Columbia Winery Syrah '07
750 ml
87 PTS WILFRED WONG. This red hangs right in there, ripe and sturdy, the '07 Columbia Winery Syrah delivers black fruit, sweet oak and savory dust on the palate; firm in the finish.
Columbia Crest Two Vines
Cabernet Sauvignon
750 ml
The Two Vines Cabernet Sauvignon is elegant yet approachable. Aromas of strawberry, cherry and cola are accompanied by notes of luscious berry sweetness on the soft palate. This wine has moderate tannins and ends with a long silky finish.
Columbia Crest Grand Estates
Sauvignon Blanc
750 ml
87 PTS WILFRED WONG. Starts out with a velvety aroma, the almost creamy, ripe melon-like '06 Columbia Crest Grand Estates Sauvignon Blanc is a fine, drinking wine; dry, yet smooth in the aftertaste.
Columbia Crest Two Vines
Vineyard 10 Red
750 ml
88 PTS WINE SPECTATOR. Plush and polished, the '07 Columbia Crest Vineyard 10 Red is a not a big wine, but applies pillowy tannins around a core of dark berry and sassafras flavors.
Columbia Crest Grand Estates
Amitage Red Blend
750 ml
90 PTS WILFRED WONG. Wild and appealing, the black fruited, tar-like '09 Columbia Crest Grand Estates Amitage is a lively and bright red wine; lots of complexity in this fine offering.
Columbia Winery Pinot Gris
Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris
750 ml
The Columbia Winery Pinot Gris is fresh, lively and true-to-type; green apple and mineral flavors; crisp finish.
Columbia Crest H3
Les Chevaux Red Blend
750 ml
91 PTS WINE ENTHUSIAST, BEST BUY. The '12 Vintage of Les Chevaux is complex with notes of plum, blueberries; smooth and silky on the palate with an abundant of chocolate in the finish
Columbia Crest
Walter Clore Private Reserve Red
750 ml
91 PTS, CELLAR SELECTION, WINE ENTHUSIAST. Possibly the best Clore to date, the '08 is firm, with substantial dark fruited flavors swathed in swirls of loam, blood, sweet tomato & red licorice.
Columbia Winery
Composition Red
750 ml
Rich blackberry aromas with a noticable amount of spiced aromas; medium weight on the palate, well balanced between acidity and soft tannins in the finish.