44 Degrees North
Rainier Cherry Vodka
750 ml
Distilled from Idaho Potatoes, blended with Rocky Mountain water from the Snake River and then steeped for 10 days in Rainier cherries grown in Idaho. 70 proof.
Distilled from Idaho Potatoes, blended with Rocky Mountain water from the Snake River and then steeped for 10 days in Rainier cherries grown in Idaho. 70 proof.
44 Degrees North's Mountain Huckleberry is distilled from Idaho potatoes, blended with Rock Mountain water from the Snake River Aquifer and then steeped in mountain picked Huckleberries for 10 days!
Idaho potatoes and brudnage winter wheat along with rocky mountain spring water produce this smooth vodka.
Distilled from 100% Idaho potatoes blended with rocky mountain water from the snack river aquifer then infused with all the natural nectarines.