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Maker's Mark
Bourbon | 1.75 l
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1 liter Maker's Mark Bourbon
1 qt. 2% milk
1 qt. heavy cream
2 dozen eggs, yolks and whites separated
1.5 cups sugar
Nutmeg for garnish
In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Slowly add 1 cup sugar (heads up that you’re still saving that extra ½ cup for later). Keep whipping until the sugar is dissolved. Add in the heavy cream, milk and bourbon. Stir to combine.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until they stand in soft peaks. Gradually add in 1/2 cup of remaining sugar until stiff peaks form (snowy mountains, cute). Whisk both egg mixtures together in a large punch or serving bowl. Chill, and when it’s time to party, garnish with nutmeg.